There are 2 different pathways to open an account with us:
Apply Account By Mail
There are 4 steps to go through for applying an Account by mail.
Step 1 Please read Declaration, Terms and Conditions carefully
Step 2 Print and Fill out the Forms
Account Opening for Individual:
1. Application Form (Individual)
2. Assessment Form for Individual Professional Investor (“IPI”) (if applicable)
Account Opening for Corporate:
3. Application Form (Corporate)
4. Authority Assessment Form for Corporate Professional Investor (“CPI”) (if applicable)
5. Authority Guarantee and Indemnity (For Margin Account) (if applicable)
* Please kindly make sure you have read through the above documents and have a thoroughly understanding of the content before you sign.
* Client need to fill in "Client Authorization" subject to authorize a third party processing account matters with explaining the mandate and its expiration date. In addition, authorized person needs to provide a copy of a valid identity document and a proof of address issued within the past 3 months.
Step 3 - Complete and Prepare Account Documents |
1. | Provide a copy of Hong Kong Permanent ID card(s)/Copy of Hong Kong Non-permanent ID card(s) and copy of valid travel document. ("ID Document") |
2. | Provide a copy of proof of residential/permanent address issued within the past 3 months. (e.g.copy of bank statement or utility bill) ("Address Proof") |
3. | Provide a personal crossed cheque drawn on applicant's account with a licensed bank in Hong Kong with a minimum of HK$10,000 payable to "Taiping Securities (HK) Co., Ltd.". (For identity verification purpose, the cheque shall bear applicant's name. In addition, the signature on the cheque issued by the applicant and the signature on the Account Opening Form must be the same) |
# For applicants who do not provide a personal crossed cheque drawn on applicants' accounts with a licensed bank in Hong Kong, they shall arrange a professional person to certify the signing of Account Agreement and sighting of ID Document and Address Proof. The certification procedure shall be: |
a) | The certifier shall sign the witness part of the account opening form ("professional qualifications and requirements for a certified copy) |
b) | The certifier shall provide proof of professional identity, and sign and date on the copies of the documents to support the verification process |
1. Certificate of incorporation - original or certified copy of the certificate of incorporation. | |
2. Business registration document - original or certified copy of the business registration certificate. | |
3. Memorandum and articles of association - original or certified copy of the memorandum and articles of association. | |
4. Ownership chart - an ownership chart showing the name of each entity in the customer’s corporate structure, including all intermediate layers and the ultimate beneficial owners, the place of incorporation of each such entity, and ownership percentages at each level. | |
5. Declaration attached to ownership chart - a declaration signed by a director or company secretary of the customer certifying the accuracy and completeness of the ownership chart and describing the rationale behind the chosen corporate structure. | |
6. Company incorporated overseas – Certificate of incumbency or good standing - An original or certified copy of a certificate of incumbency, good standing, or equivalent document, issued by the company’s registered agent in the place of incorporation. The document should confirm the following details:
Step 4 - Send out the account opening documents by post: |
Taiping Securities (HK) Co Limited Room 3, 19/F, No.18 King Wah Road, North Point, Hong Kong Attn: Customer Service (Account Opening) |