Taiping Assets Management (Hong Kong) Company Limited ("TPAHK"), formerly known as China Insurance Group Assets Management Limited, was incorporated in Hong Kong in October 1996. TPAHK is licensed for Type 9 (asset management) and Type 4 (advising on securities) regulated activities under the Securities and Futures Ordinance (CE Number: ADV247). TPAHK is authorized to manage Mandatory Provident Funds (MPFs) by the Hong Kong Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority and manages occupational retirement schemes (ORSO schemes) in Hong Kong. TPAHK had paid-in capital of HKD212 million and managed over HKD121.6 billion of assets as of June 2020. TPAHK manages assets for companies within the China Taiping Insurance Group as well as third parties, with a wide range of products including equities, fixed income, fund of funds, property funds, QDII funds and other alternative investments. It also manages MPF funds, and obtained qualifications of QFII, RQFII and overseas trustee for insurance funds. TPAHK has more than 30 highly experienced investment and research professionals.
Management Qualification
- Insurance Asset Management
- Segregated Account Management
- Mutual Fund Management
- MPF Management
- ORSO Schemes Management