Withdrawals: |
All withdrawal orders may be placed through the following methods on or before 12:00 noon.* on every working day: |
*Orders after the cut-off time will be handled on the next trading day. *Withdrawal funds by remittance, please fill in the remittance information within the trading platform carefully, the related transaction fee will be deducted in the extracted amount. *Third party (other than the trading account holder) deposits or withdrawals are not accepted *On the eves of Christmas, New Year and Lunar New Year (No Afternoon Session), the balance withdrawal service is suspended accordingly. Client’s withdrawal request will be postponed to the next working day. We reserve the final rights on withdrawing methods. |
Deposits |
1.Cheque Deposit (including deposit through bank counter, cheque deposit machine/drop in box) Clients must provide the cheque image (with the name of the client clearly visible and payable to “Taiping Securities (Hong Kong) Co Limited”), together with the deposit advice to our Settlement Department for verification. Relevant bank account statement should be provide as evidence if the client using the cheque drop in box; If you are not able to provide us with the image of the cheque with sufficient information, there will be an administrative fee of HKD200 for each cheque for us to retrieve the cheque image and information of depositor from the bank. In addition, the fund will not be credited to your account(s) until we have obtained the information of depositor from bank and this process may require 14 business days (subject to bank for actual time needed) in normal circumstances. If the cheque is identified as third party cheque deposit, we will not credit the fund to client's account(s) irrespective to the deposit amount. |
2. Transfer Deposit (including deposit through bank counter, ATM, Online banking and FPS) If the transfer record or receipt does not show the customer’s name or the bank transfer account number that has been on file with the company, the company will ask the customer to provide relevant information for us to verify the account holder’s name. |
Important: our company will not accept deposit from a third party or cash deposit. |
All deposits will be processed on or before 3:30 p.m. for the same-day transaction. Any deposit received after 3:30 p.m. will be treated as next business day transaction for further processing. After the deposit is made, kindly fax or e-mail the bank-in slip to our Settlement Department. Any deposit made on Saturdays, Sundays or Public Holidays will be processed on the next working day. Please contact our Settlement Department for enquiries: Telephone: (852) 25439655 / 25430100 Fax: (852) 28151499 E-mail: cs@tps.cntaiping.com |
Bank Deposit Account: |
FPS ID: 164768277 (suitable for HKD & CNY) |
Bank of China (HK) Ltd |
The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited |
Nanyang Commercial Bank Limited All information is subject to change without prior notice. |